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Mayo: In a Nutshell

What a week. A LOT happened. We were busy everyday, and when we weren't busy we were exhausted! A quick run down of what our week looked...

Aerodigestive Clinic

Well I meant to write this from my couch at home a week ago but I guess a hotel bed the night before will have to do! Needless to say, we...

"Delay" Is Not A Dirty Word

It has been pretty silent here on the blog, and mostly because we have been busy. We are all over the place, all the time. (I'll be doing...

Catch Up

It’s been a while since I’ve updated! It has been crazy, usually about 2 trips to the cities a week! We’ve seen GI, Dermatology, ENT,...

Not the worst not the best

Just a quick update about Easton! He has pneumonia... not sure yet whether it is from aspiration or a bacteria. Easton is super prone to...

What I think...

Alright I’ve started about 30 articles about hospital PTSD... but non of them have FELT right. But that’s the thing about hospital...

Congenital CMV: How much do you know?

Did you know that you probably have a virus that is incredibly dangerous? No, not RSV or the flu. something much more common....

Life Hacks: Feeding Tube Edition

We are approaching 1 year of feeding issues, and almost 10 months with a feeding tube. Now, I am NOT an expert or a medical professional,...

One VERY busy day

Today, I was glad I wore my tennis shoes. We did a lot of running through the hospital‘s tunnels and skyways to different appointments...

1000 miles

Hey y‘all! It is crazy to think in the last week we have traveled almost 1000 miles to and from doctors appointment! Every Wednesday, we...

Single Parent: Life Lessons

Being a parent is life changing. Being a single parent, that can turn your world upside-down, backwards, and inside out. I am by no means...

Good and Bad

Hello people! I know I have been pretty quiet about what has been going on with Easton during this stay, but I thought I’d give you an...

One Year Ago

Sitting in this hospital room tonight gives me an odd sense of Déjà vu. One year ago, I was in an eerily similar place. The only...

A Hospital Survival Guide

Currently, we are sitting in our 12th inpatient stay. Almost 100 days since March we have sat in a hospital room, I've crashed on a rock...

Status Quo

Hello outside world! We don’t have to much to say about this stay so far. A lot is still very up in the air as far as if we will get a...

Check ups turned into more

We started today bright and early, with the plan to go to some follow up appointments at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s...

Infections and Football

I seem to always start these with something along the lines of "life has been so busy". I've come to realize that this is just our...

Good News, Bad News, and No News

Before any news, THANK YOU for all of the support! I apologize if I have not gotten back to you if you contacted me recently. Easton has...

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